Thursday, November 28, 2024


 If you do not believe me that is easy to work width Python take a look at this video, how easy is to set up things up.

Thursday, November 21, 2024

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

How fast we develop in Python


Develop the base for the prog all this stuff is linked and working in a couple of days and I was learning. Things always come up, but for a realistic scenario maybe finished in mounts. This stuff is always generic as mention "things can come up". Compared width my 2 years in C that the project evolve very little ...

Monday, November 18, 2024

Python 3x Version

 The project moved to Python.

C language is to complex for a "realistic learning curve". Only hard core programmers can program in it. 

This new version of Python 3 is great. I was able to complete a hole bunch of tasks width only 20 errors. In terms of productivity is like 1000% increase compared to C.

Using the simplest GUI library Tkinter which is the standard included in Python. Found tutorials for Tkinter for all kind of things.

The fact that is interpreted and not compile produces less bugs since is less restrictive.

When I try Python 10, 20 years ago was to buggy to use. The white space tab function was constantly giving errors. But after 20 years of development they improve this pretty well got almost no errors from white space.

The fact that it does not use "; " semi-colons seems a bit strange but, it do increase your readability of the code.

Most effective 30 MB donwload you can get. This is because is independent of 3º party programs, as they develop all things editor and language. 

3 clicks is all it takes to be working : download, click the editor, put your prog code on file and click execute. On Codeblocks IDE the compiler some times does not work.

By the amount of tutorials you need until is working you can see is effectiveness. Only 1 tutorial is enough to start working on your app, while in C you need hundreds of hours\tutorials.

The amount of code is much smaller in Python most progs are 50 lines, for C\C++ is more, width all that linking happening in code, semi-colans and the { enclosing tags.

For some reasons Python is the 1º and most used language at the moment, is able to complete all kind of tasks width efficiency. It have the low level input merged width high level ex: manipulation of files, and high quality of GUI's.

Most social networks say its user base is well above 1 million of active developers.

Some one say on the project, Lyberta : "you will not get any help in C",  this change open the door for people be able to do so. As at least is easy to tweak stuff around.


How its going

The pic is from the links editor adopted the simple interface of pop-ups to be easier, lather will hurry on the details. First versions of...