Saturday, June 3, 2023

Standard programming - Master DB

Projects repeat things in the Data Base. For example users is something that is repeated for many aplications since all need to login. A master DB for users remove a lot of redudancy.

- standard programming names ( to add information on how things are done where used, etc...)

- librarys ( to manache the information on compiled librarys on C)

though in adding a master db to our projects this will have the stuff that repeats, you can use it for any project. Will contain :

[b]Master DB[/b]

- Users (general information)
- Bans (kind of bans get)
- apps (application where the user is register)

[b]Your DB[/b]

lets say i'm register in : the box, this forums game dev. just add this to the apps. No point in adding a user management part to all of our dbs.

The files Still very raw is just to keep updating, (maybe chance also the style lather)...

Instead of "doing large posts" adding the information to the files it will be much more organized, and prevent going forward and backward in the posts for the details.

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How its going

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