- The concept for this programming philosophy is that all variables are gobal. This is done to avoid messing around in changing things around lather.
- Stack librarys are a type of library used to incorporate large blocks of code which replaces functions. They are mainly loops which have capability to perform dinamic functions. Are not as slow as functions but still dinamic enough to be used.
- Files inherit parts from other files. Like the standard_variables or functions.
- The evolution to the CSS coding style. Allow to deppen the use of the global variables
- Now seeing the possibility of more costume files. But this kind contracti the principle of inheritence of the philosofy. (Like having a string.h vs standard_variables.h)
- More things can be standard not only variables. Like templates and files but of course they depend on variables like a standard template in the end is standard variable.
- The style uses underscore "_" to separate names.
- In standard variables The first name should not be abbreviation IMG_jpg image_jpg.
- Why not use imageJpg. The pros is that is true it creates dinamic which may be better to read. The cons is that if one day forget a Upper case is extremly hard to see it. That's the main reason i abbandon this pratice. Some fonts don't separete that well upper and lower letters. And the representation for a space in computer language is the sign "_" underscore. The main reason is to minimize errors.
Standard programming names
OOP vs C
If you read this tutorial it have the error. variables out side main declared as extern. which for what this expert say does nothing. Logically is saying i will receive a value if there is one, since none was declared previously it receive nothing. : https://www.tutorialspoint.com/cprogramming/c_variables.htm
typedef int to integer. [/code]
not sure if we really need this step, or that much text because then you have another problem of to much text, to few not readable to much also can cause problems.
We can simulate oop width static which restricts a function or a variable just to one file. For fans of oop we can achieve something like that in C
static var1
static function1(){}
static var1
static function1(){}
same stuff is redeclared.
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