Friday, June 2, 2023

DTR Database text reader

For now there is this stuff i'm working. A text format to manage projects. The text format, xml and jason are a bit heavy, creating something that is similar but in a more light version.

A way that this could work :

"link of the file", "place used" (main menu), order of display (1).
C:\Users\jdc\Documents\the_box_external_librarys\magic.png , main menu  , 1 ;

It could be a transitory way before the file is added in to the code files in a function format or it could work this way, if it does not consume a lot of resources since one of the objectives of the project is to have a very efficient code.

A general overview of a project in the : text projects code :




Mediev Titans


A DOTA inspired game, strategy

<3d models>

C:\Users\jdc\Documents\the_box_external_librarys\3D_medivel\Goblin\Goblin_model\GOBLIN.fbx  , level 1  , 1 ;


C:\Users\jdc\Documents\the_box_external_librarys\magic.png , main menu  , 1 ;
C:\Users\jdc\Documents\the_box_external_librarys\final.png , level 1  , 4 ;


Main Menu ;
Level 1 ;


The dev version is online it have a lot of updates, working with file.h and path.h to manage stuff for file "browser tool" and "code editor tool". The stuff i posted before is now used, we will repeat the code in file.h and path.h in : browser tool and code editor since they use the same things. To prevent this, the code is moved a level in the hierarchy to a "object" or structural programming format. So they inherit.

This format is useful to code,  It allow to write allot of pseudo code before we can start testing things. Because you can start codding normally, and if something repeats at some point is just a matter of moving the code up and down if is repeated or not.

The stuff in the folders is still a bit messy and not documented, it still need more work, the external library have a low poly 3D library that i'm working. Just one thing that is +- organized.   The Box  External librarys External Project External tools


a small update:

How to to add large amount of information to txt files.

In previous update, i have something that look like a xml, but now i'm thinking there is no need for the user to read the files, the software can do that, and display the information formatted. It allow more amount of information in a file.

Which project or data is just a single line.

The software read like this and apply this format : name, author, genre, type, image, web page, etc... it uses order or numbers for position on which entry.

The txt file have only the information. The software recognizes positions. If there is no info in entry slot a empty field is added, like ", ," :

[code]lensman , autor , anime , sci-fi , 0.3 , lensman.jpg, ;
Hunter D , autor,  , 4.5 , hunter_d.jpg,  ;
Eva  , autor , game , sci-fi ,  , eva.jpg, ;
Pokemon , autor , anime ,  , 0.3, tides_of_time.jpg, ;[/code]

This will be very fast execution. the code do this: It "explode" the strings by tokens first ";" an then by "," to get positions, and convert to data format to display.
Maybe it will use symbols instead of the language symbols ";" and "," to be compatible with descriptions on projects. but it will be the same thing.

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