Friday, June 2, 2023

The Box Script

Is a alternative to web scripting, see if i will end updating it to programming...

It's 2 or 3 times more modular then the web stuff we have today. Is not actually a script but just rules, we load it to C and he creates the things for us. Is mainly to create a graphic environment.

1 - we can work in any amount of projects in the same file (project=the box)
2 - it does not uses extensions they are declared (image_extension=jpg,png)
3- reuses code parts (line_id)
4- it have security enable checks (security=ask)
5- load text from files in to it (element=10)
6- the end of line is at the begging and not in the end bullets like style ( tbs -> )
7- in theory could support other languages but i don't know if it will happen (css, html, js, php, C# ->)
8- tags stack (id=sub_menu, id=main, level=2, block=list, text_id=text)
9 - it have levels (level=2)
10 - at the bottom you can see other language code how is incredible they are much more complex...
11 - Loading order is organized by order tag "order=1, order=2", to arrange thing for us. (is decimal in case we need to re- organize 1,2 ... 1,7 without the need to change others)

basically one while loop organize the rules and the 2º loop construct it is very simple. Think in putting it to work in just a html server it just need text to work...

while(1) // organize
project the box
order =
level =
line_id =
id =

project Medivel titans
order =
level =
line_id =

Project Eva project
order =
level =
line_id =


while(1) // assemble
the box
load images
load windows
load text
load models
load templates
load modules

What is happening in the examples:

- we are reusing a login/register throw 3 projects, the_box,eva project, medivel titansl.
- we doing auto querys to the db
- We have web script width real time security
- Call on effects functions
- we have losse programming if you want to add something at the begging to the box project, and lather call the other two projects, you can re assign the box project again in a 2º time and continue to do things.
- we don't have large amount of text in the file is coming from other files throw element= tag, we can have titles, sub titles names, etc... any text... but if not needed is not inside. Make the file really small.
- define in the script amount of pages or item per page
- tags for other languages : C#->, PHP -> normal or composed, C#, PHP, TBS -> a line that support multi programming languages, (could generate more errors)

*some things still need more work like how templates, modules inter act and programing at this stage did only most web things.

The rest you can see for your self...


tbs -> project=the box
tbs -> current_page=boot
tbs -> version=1.x
tbs -> img=logo order=1
tbs -> project_folder = applications/pages/the box
tbs -> assoc_keys=
tbs -> file_link=articles
tbs -> image_folder=
tbs -> icon_folder=
tbs -> image_extension=jpg,png
tbs -> torrent=8A5148D6306606F5250F8E14AC7657FC9012A520
tbs -> tile=the box
tbs -> id=main, items_pages=10
tbs -> autor = jdc
tbs -> email = plex
tbs -> link =
tbs -> db=users, db=articles, db_query=all store=db_articles
tbs -> link_file=icons store=icons elements=all
tbs -> allow_commads(), effects
tbs -> id=all, space: m 10, p 20, text_translate(),
tbs -> id=main, type=box, level=1, text_id=text1
tbs -> id=sub_menu, id=main, level=2, block=list, text_id=text
tbs -> id=right_menu, id=main, level=2, block=list, text_id=text
tbs -> id=links
tbs -> id=effect_hover, block=effect, level=3, script=hover_effect
tbs -> id=sub_menu, text_replace(), text_translate(),
tbs -> id=login_menu, user_login(), user_register()
tbs -> page=login, page=register, page=main, level=2
tbs -> page=boot, level=1
tbs -> open_file(), security=ask
tbs -> array security=
tbs -> url= redirect=no security=1
tbs -> text= the box , order=1, text= software development tool order=2
tbs -> id=main text= web site dedicated to make posts on the software
tbs -> line_id=1 list=Link1, Link2, Link3

tbs -> file_link=articles element=10

tbs -> order=5 display=list title= Downloads, Media Fire text =

Preferring "Media fire" over other projects, like Github you have to upload file 1 by 1 which is very pre history for computares and software capability today. Another issue you can't have empty folders or move large amount of files in your project, you have to move them 1 by one. Can't delete folders, you have to remove files for it to disappear. And you guessing how you remove files for it to disappear? Maybe you guesses correctly again you have to remove files 1 by 1. Insane work! It is not possible to administrate a large project like this moving files 1 by 1. There is a lot of editing to be done.

Why not use the tool for the page? They maybe attempt to attack again : why use this wired tool when you have FTP's services for like dozens of years. In computeres that's a lot. Like from the 1920's or so we have FTPS services.

tbs -> line_id=1

tbs -> order=5 display=list title= Downloads, Media Fire file_link=articles element=2


tbs -> project = tides of time

tbs -> title=tides of time

tbs -> button= login, register

tbs -> password, re-password, user name, translation=all

tbs -> icons=gold,food,

tbs -> links= Characters, Attack, exception= on page-tides of time remove=characters, attack

tbs -> clock=4m

tbs -> project=medivel titans

-> line_id=1 (links)

tbs -> project=eva project

-> line_id=1 (links)

-> structure= math lib
-> structure= standard variables

-> module= player

-> module= map

-> script = attack if=range<200

-> template=a1

-> JS-> snyppet = javascript

-> map=level1

->graphics=opengl 2.0

php, C#, Css, HTML, Js ->


css -> p {margin-top: 100px; margin-bottom: 100px;}
html -> <div id="main"><ul><li> a </li><li> b </li><li> c </li><li> d </li></ul></div>
js -> let x = "Volvo" + 16 + 4;
php -> echo strlen("Hello world!");
C# -> using System;

namespace HelloWorld
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");
Java ->

public static void main(String[] args) {
Main myObj = new Main(); // Create an object of class Main (This will call the constructor)
System.out.println(myObj.x); // Print the value of x


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