Saturday, June 3, 2023

The Box, Development tool

I have worked and applied the concepts of structured code to a Procedural PHP engine for the web. I have the idea to develop a open source tool for the community in C.

The engine will be build in C, to have better performance.

It is on google drive : ... sp=sharing

Git Hub : 


How to build inherit files ?

movement.c // handles movement
score.c // handles score
team.c // handles team
team_rts.c // handles team for a rts game
team_fps.c // handles team for a fps game
team_rpg.c // handles team for a rpg game

The AI Language ?

@PHP open tag : <?php

@PHP echo string : echo "hello free game dev comunity";

@PHP close tag : ?>

This will make it very easy to output : string hello word -> miss something

AI Structure back trace ?

Handle file and variables dependency automaticaly for us. Back tracking what is being included and where.

variable red_team -> declared at main
called in : teams, game, network.

notices :

-> Possible error at game
-> slow performance at network.

Include pre build Library's packages ?

Art" a thing that will be possible will be to have game ready Art, In a ready to use packages. Instead of we all updated this stuff, search, and create or own library's we have a ready structured library that speed up this process.

3D characters (open source)
3D characters (Paid)
3D Tree's desert (open source)
3D Tree's tropical (open source)

Build in tools : Screen play & character creation & Name generator ?

We could also have more built-in tools, to speed the process of creation the game concept, like a proper name generator, a character stats and list generator that will be game ready.

A example: You insert your list of spells in the program, and once you are ready for production click in generate file and it generate the production programming file ready to be used in the game. This will minimize mistakes and debugging time.

The tool interface example ?

The tool will speed up the programming process and other's process's, by having a set of tools available.

Payment ?

Patrons are very popular way to have costume made code. Better to donate for a open source tool then for a engine which even if you buy all lunches and subscriptions you will never have access to the code unless you pay a very high amount of money which is is almost enough to develop a new engine.

help in Development

Is always good to have people helping


add a Patron page so ppl can contribute with $$;

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How its going

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