Friday, June 2, 2023

DB Script

I wanted to do a DataBase master for users which i mention on a post before. to avoid including again the users. Now i came up width a design for it. The result seems pretty surprising. If it works will be the highest level achieved in programming languages. Your program will become completly modular, you can updated to any thing you want.

It mixes: procedural, objects, db's, data, programing, interface. script, graphics, administractiom, All things in the same file. So in the same file we have the prototypes and the declaration or instances. The prototype is the "Master DB" a diferent format and in the others we have the information. You can update your databse in real time, convert the project to online width a few clicks, and the possibilitys for the program to evolve are unlimited.

It's hard to explain it in pratice because you can improve it to any thing. Now it have this state, but lather can be much better relational. But these is enought to discribe. We have 3 parts: operators logic for the master DB ;  Master the prototypes, and 3ยบ Instances. Think is the best design of those i'm doing.

It avoid a lot of problems, like fails in the db, not be able to desin when coding, program become to heavy in a earlier stage, coding to much while just desiginig, and so on, etc... The design can achive all parts that you need and the sintax is very simple.

example : a Ultima Online skill, named "status" it as a name and a max value of 100 in a decimal format and a Operator :  Status : name, float value (max=100)

DB script :


max - a int or float value can't go above max

DB Master

User : "user_id", "user_name", "user_password", user_email, validate_account, 

Abilitys : name, min_effect, max_effect, effect

weapon :  name, min_damage, max_damage, ability

Armor : name , armor, type

Building : name, armor,

Vehicle : name, armor, damage, ability

Character : profession, speed, ability

Tool : name, language,  function

Equipment : name, min_effect, max_effect,

Status : name, float value (max=100.0)

DB The Box

Tool : standard variables, C, hieraquy 

Tool : search engine, C, main

Tool : search engine, C, main

DB Medivel Titans

weapon :  long sword, 8, 14

weapon :  Axe, 1, 24

weapon : wand, 1, 8, healing

ability : wand healing, 1, 8, + health

Vehicle : wagon, 100 , 1-10,

building : tower, 400, 0, 

DB Eva Project

Character : gazer, 0 , 

ability : wand healing, 1, 8, + health

Building :

Vehicle :

DB Ultima Online

status : strenght, 1 

status : bard, 0.0 

status : swordmanship, 0.0 

status : axe, 50.0 

status : alchemy, 0.0

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